Transportation Operations

The Transportation Operations team are respectful of one another and the public we serve. We are committed to the delivery of a safe, high-quality county highway system and are widely trusted and recognized for innovation, collaboration and the responsible use of resources.

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Why Hennepin County is the place to work


Traffic Signal Electrician

“The most rewarding aspect of my career is being able to solve an issue that the public is having with one of our signal systems. It makes my day to know that I was the one to correct an issue that was affecting someone else’s day negatively.”


Highway Maintenance Operator

“The most rewarding part is completing a job on a roadway knowing that I did my part to make the roads safer and presentable to the public.”


Engineering Technician

“My career as an engineering technician assistant gives me both a lot of opportunities to work with cutting edge traffic technology while seeing from a ground view perspective how industry changes are making our traffic operations safer and more efficient.”


Highway Maintenance Operator

“It’s really rewarding to go out and have an immediate satisfaction of fixing our roadway signs knowing I'm making a difference on a daily basis!”


Senior Sign Worker

“Being responsible for 56,000 signs, miles of guardrail, millions of linear feet of striping, thousands of painted messages, and plowing snow in between all of it, is no small task, but it keeps us very busy, and I enjoy knowing that the work we do can help keep the traveling public safe on our roads.”

Learn about our jobs

Highway Maintenance Operator - This role is part of a team responsible for performing maintenance tasks on county roads throughout the year. Their work is vital to ensuring county roads are in safe working order for residents and visitors. Click here for more information. 

Engineering Technician - Engineering technicians are problem solvers. Whether it’s working to design a new corridor, replace an old bridge, conduct field studies or improve traffic operations, being an engineer technician means working to provide a safe and seamless traveling experience for the public. Click here for more information. 

Traffic Signal Electrician - Electricians provide critical services by maintaining essential traffic signal operations of the road network to ensure the safety and orderliness of those traveling on county roads. Click here for more information. 

Electronics Technician - This role is essential in keeping the county’s traffic signal system in working order. Their work is vitally important because the safety of those who travel on county roads is dependent on the work technicians do. Clik here for more information. 

Senior Sign Worker - This role will help guide and direct the paths of those who travel on the county road system. Through their implementation of traffic control, road signs, guardrails, and others, their work ensures residents and visitors can safely get to where they need to go. Click here for more information. 

Internship/Seasonal Opportunities - Transportation Operations values interns and provides student opportunities in a variety of ways. Generally, seasonal laborers are hired in our Roads and Sign Shop divisions in the summer months. We also hire engineering technicians to assist in the Asset Management division and our Traffic Management Center (TMC).

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Current openings

Benefits of working for Hennepin County


Public Works Facility

Transportation Operations Shops

Interested in joining our team?

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